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Learning to love  


Hello everyone, sorry it has been a while since the last post. Brittany and I are doing well, little Emmanuel is really thriving and we love him so much. We are teaching the kids and, as of today, one adult. Tomorrow I am going to share my testimony with 30 or 40 guys at a place called 'the city of rest' it is in downtown Freetown and it is a place for drug addicts and people with serious mental problems. It is a really amazing ministry and was started by one of the oldest living pastors in Sierra Leone, he still runs up the stairs though! I am going to share my story as the Lord helped me out of drug addiction.
I wanted to share a bit of our hearts, share a bit about what God is doing. Being here is difficult as you all can imagine. It is difficult for obvious reasons, mainly its not the United States! :) So we have really had to reexamine our reasons for being here. Heidi Baker, the director of Iris ministries, talks a lot about this subject. She flat out tells mission school students 'If your not in love, don't come! (to missions)'
She says this because the only motivation that sustains, the only motivation that leads to real change is love. Love first for Jesus, and then for those who He loves. (two things that become almost interchangable)
Its really easy to hope in other things though. We all know this especially as Americans. A million things are vying for our attention, and our affections. Pride, money, success, fear, entertainment, sports, etc... But what is it that really keeps us going? What wakes us up in the morning and gives us hope.
The options here are limited, food... going to the restaurant a couple times a week...taking the kids to the beach now and then... ugghhhh. You sort of run out after a little while. But love works, it doesn't just work. Love makes us thrive, and not just any love but the very love of God flowing through you.
We are learning it, little by little, interaction by interaction, situation by situation. Learning to 'Love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and strength...and love our neighbor as our self'
I'm so used to having love just be PART of what keeps me going. Its a whole different thing to have it be ALL. It really means giving of ourselves. Thats what Christs death and ressurection shows us. (To love costs something, or its not really love)
Loving here doesnt come naturally. There is soo much to learn about the culture and everthing has to been done in that context. For example, they play checkers here totally different and at first I just thought the guy I was playing with was stupid and didnt know the rules. Even after I learned that he was playing the way everyone plays here, I wanted to correct him. I stopped myself, realizing my pride, and played the way they do. Its kind of like that dealing with the culture as a whole. We are learning that we need to drop our ideas of how thing are done, the way interactions happen and what they mean etc.. and humble ourselves. We need to be vulnurable and let those around us instruct us. Instead of the natural thing to do which is to stay aloof. In the end when we bond this way, it looks like love.
We are doing so many things here (I haven't shared much of it). But this is what is really the important thing. I Cor 13 " If I sell all I have and give it to the poor...if I give my body to be burned... but I have not love, it is nothing" Getting stuff done isnt the point. Love is, and we are learning.
So like Paul said, "not that I have achieved it yet... but I press on toward the goal to obtain the prize of the upward call of Christ Jesus"
We love you!

What next?

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3 comments: to “ Learning to love

  • March 27, 2008 at 8:10 AM  

    Dear Isaac and Brit... What fantastic insight. It really makes me think about how I approach life every day and don't really think about living with love in all areas. You are a blessing to us and to those you are ministering to. Love you!

  • March 27, 2008 at 11:39 PM  

    Isaac & Brittany,

    What you guys are doing is no easy task and I really respect you so much.

    Something I have learned is that one of the biggest ways people feel love is for you to embrace their culture - it really means a lot to them especially coming from Americans. So it's good you guys are learning how to do that - BUT you should also show people your culture as well. What if you show them your way of playing checkers too and play both ways??

    And I know you guys are probably really busy with the kids and stuff - but why don't you just have some "fun nights" - maybe invite some people over and just play games. I don't know if you can afford snacks and stuff like that - maybe we could help fund something like that?? But it sounds like you guys need to laugh and play and do light hearted things more. I bet the kids would love it too.

    I know so little about Africa but it seems to me like a lot of the fun has been squeezed out of their lives and they are such a lively people. Don't you think it would be just like God to introduce "fun" back in their lives? It seems to me like an outreach like that might be the very way to win drug addicts - they are probably bored and frustrated.

    Anyway - sorry if those ideas are lame - I know so little about your living situation there - and maybe you are already doing something like that - but anyway, maybe just pray about it and see what ideas God has about introducing more fun into your lives and into the community :) After all - God is SUPER fun!! Let us know if you need any support or backup with that.

    Love you guys!!


  • May 10, 2008 at 6:57 PM  

    Isaac and Brittany!!! I was so excited to get Brittany's email update which linked me to here! First off Congratulations on the marriage!!! What a wonderful union of two God glorifying people... I am so blessed to read of your journeys in Africa, I pray that Gods words would fill you and flow from you! May the God of all comfort and joy continue the good work He began in both of you... you are near to my heart! Please contact me if you would like my new email.