Welcome to Isaac and Brittany's Blog




The day to day here in Freetown can be a bit slow. Ideas of success put against a slow rainy day here (Freetown is one of the wettest cities in the world) can put the a question in my heart of if we are accomplishing anything. The pace of life is slow. In the States there is Wal Mart and Home Depot for one stop shopping. Here to find a rat trap I have to walk the street till I see the guy selling them from the basket on his head. We spend a lot of time here just praying and playing with the kids and doing the stuff you do on rainy days.
Jesus said that the kingdom of God is like a farmer who plants seeds, somehow between planting and harvest time they grow and he harvests them. He cannot sit down and see them actually growing but they do slowly and surely. That is the miracle we are experienceing here, its different from my 'fastfood' mentality but Im learning to like it more. Things here have changed immensly in two years. And what has developed is so beautiful and solid, so of the Lord. I couldnt tell you though when it became what it did, it grew just like that farmer's seeds while I sat indoors on rainy days praying.